Why Invest?

Great Western Mining Corporation PLC is a mineral exploration and development company operating in Nevada, USA. 8 distinct claim groups target both precious metals and base metals. Its shares are traded on AIM (GWMO) and Euronext Growth (8GW).

Gold exploration target of 0.5 million to 1.5 million ounces from multiple prospects and 50% ownership of a milling joint venture under construction to produce precious metals from spoil material and shallow ore.

Great Western has a JORC compliant Indicated and Inferred copper Resource of 4.3 million tonnes at 0.45%. Additional JORC compliant Exploration Targets of 10 to 17 million tonnes at 0.4% to 0.6% copper. Great Western is actively seeking a development partner for copper.

Our Claim Groups

  • The Huntoon Copper Project

    The Huntoon Copper Project is a group of five copper prospects at various stages of the exploration pipeline that all lie within a 6 km radius circle centred on the northeastern end of the Huntoon Valley, in Mineral County, Nevada. The various prospects include one existing resource (M2), two with discovery intercepts in phase one drillholes (M4 and West Huntoon), and two with established copper-in-soils anomalies and/or selective grabs showing strong copper grades (M5 and Smith).

  • M2

    A JORC compliant Indicated and Inferred copper Resource of 4.3 million tonnes at 0.45%. Additional JORC compliant Exploration Targets of 10 to 17 million tonnes at 0.4% to 0.6% copper. We are actively seeking a development partner.

  • West Huntoon

    Soil sampling has shown gold, silver and copper to be present. 2018 drilling demonstrated grade-thicknesses, along with host lithologies, with many similarities to the mineralisation seen at the Black Mountain claims.

  • M4

    Both copper and gold targets identified through geophysical surveys, soil sampling, and mapping of mineralised veins on surface. Drilling in 2018 produced encouraging results with one hole hitting a large quartz-copper breccia vein at 106.2 metres, including 1.8m @ 0.74% Cu from 121m.

  • M5

    GWM's M5 prospect occurs in the southern parts of the Jack Springs claim group. It occurs along prominent northeast trending ridge standing proud of surrounding Tertiary volcanic cover. The ridge hosts a number of mineralised outcrops, including a quartz vein with bonanza silver grades and sulphide stringers featuring chalcopyrite. Soil sampling in 2023 identified a zone 1500 m long by 400 m wide containing several corridors of anomalous gold and copper which are open as they reach the edge of surrounding overlying tertiary lavas to the northeast.

  • Eastside Mine (EM)

    A mapping and soil sampling programme successfully identified intersecting mineralised fault corridors from satellite imagery. An IP survey has been completed.

  • Mineral Jackpot (MJ)

    Great Western field surveys have doubled the potential mineralisation over 5 adjoining, historic gold and silver mines. In 2022 Great Western completed the first ever drill programme over the Mineral Jackpot claims. The discovery of 51 spoil heaps from historic mine workings also gives Mineral Jackpot shorter term precious metals processing potential.

  • Olympic Gold (OG)

    In 2021 Great Western drilled a number of targets at Olympic, with encouraging results. Follow-up drilling, as part of the 2022 drilling programme complete. In 2022 Great Western intercepted the OMCO Mine vein.

  • Rock House (RH)

    A virgin area which has never previously been drilled or exploited with first drilling completed in 2021. Consists of 3 distinct targets. Drilling encountered gold at shallow depths in multiple holes at the Southern Alteration Zone.

  • Tun (TN)

    A mapping and rock sampling programme undertaken in 2019 identified multiple >2km strike length quartz veins and numerous historical adits including one with >300m drive length. The veins are up to 2m thick and have returned assays including 9.84 g/t Au, 4.99 g/t Au and 1.21 % Cu.

Latest News

Holding(s) in Company

04 March 2025

Holding(s) in Company

27 February 2025

Holding(s) in Company

27 February 2025

Share Capital Reorganisation & Notice of General Meeting

24 February 2025


The Assay TV - Brian Hall, Executive Chairman

December 2024

Brian tells The Assay TV about the latest developments at the West Huntoon copper porphyry prospect, where the company is gaining a better understanding of the relationship between the numerous prospects.